Taco Bell – Cantina
Size: 2,000 square feet +/-
Deal Structure: Urban Storefront
Region: Connecticut and Westchester County New York
Contact: Kevin Daly

Taco Bell is an American fast-food chain focused on serving a variety of Tex-Mex foods to over 2 billion guests per year through its approximately 7,000 locations worldwide.
They continue to enhance & redefine the customer experience by constantly evolving their restaurants. In 2015, they began opening the “Cantina”-style locations, which are considered to be very clean, and more upscale-feeling fast food restaurants. Upon entering a Taco Bell Cantina location, you will notice a modern design, open kitchen, and a custom menu featuring shareable appetizers that are unique to the “Cantina” style locations. These locations also serve alcohol, including beers, wines, sangria, and the brand’s signature Twisted Freezes.
Contrary to the existing store fleet, Catinas will consider non-drive thru locations depending on the setting and market. Urban locations preferred but dense suburban, or “surban” markets considered. Approximately 2,000 – 2,500 square foot spaces.